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Moments that Stir My Faith

Writer's pictureLeslee Wray

ONE MORE WALK Living Like Magi: Following The Light In The Dark

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." (Matthew 1:1-2)

Matthew’s telling of the magi’s journey to find the Christ child, is for me, an old, old story that continually encourages me in all the ways I hope to begin again… in all the ways I seek and pray to embrace the clean slate of a new year before me. Maybe their witness inspires you as well.

As you probably know, these magi were more like astronomers, star-gazers who intently read and saw signs of God’s activity in the world through the constellations they came to know so well. What you may not know… if you’re like me… or may have missed about their story… is that the star that first guided them to Bethlehem did not guide them all the way there. At some point in their journey, the star they initially saw in the sky disappeared.  That’s why they had to stop and inquire of others for directions, which tragically, brought them to the attention of King Herod. 

If you go nosing around on your computer about the magi today, you’ll find that there are some astronomers, who can pretty much point to the day and month that these Magi first saw the star that initially led them to Bethlehem, know when it disappeared and then reappeared in the same constellation of stars months later over the place of Christ’s birth.  In place of the star in the sky being some supernatural, out of the ordinary occurrence, it was very likely a “natural” appearing and disappearing of constellations that occurred… perhaps like the moon’s monthly cycle, moving from a thin sliver to round and full.

And yet, while I find this science fascinating, what intrigues me most… is how did the Magi do it? How did they continue their journey when the star was not evident… when there was no prevalent light to guide their way? Understanding this… catching some glimpse of their faithfulness when it was dark, is a powerful gift for those of us who want to live into a similar hope and possibility in the midst of darkness.... not only today… but for every day before us.

       As we step forward into a new year, I think Matthew’s telling of the Christmas story is an important one, because it’s real. To understand the magnitude of God’s gift to the world, we have to come to terms with the knowledge that Christ’s coming, while full of wonder, hope and promise, also brought with it the genocide and slaughter of innocent children at the hand of the insane king Herod.  If we only see and know Christ as the beautiful babe in the manger, untouched by the world’s great brokenness, tragedies and sin, then God’s gift to the world is only as good as Cotton Candy…. sweet but of no lasting or life changing purpose and value. If we are to have any hope for our own lives and the world around us, we have to know and see Christ’s coming as not only gracious and good… but powerful, transformative and life altering for all those who seek to love and follow him.


I believe the magi, somehow knew this… even before meeting Christ in the manger…. They trusted and believed that the gift God was sending to the world would not only hold and keep them in every blessing of good, but would be a powerful force of love to unhinge every kind of awful evil. While I imagine they relished and cherished the star’s vibrant light and presence… they did not let its disappearing sway them from their journey… The same, I believe must be true for us…. The darkness of this world… which is indeed great... must not cause our own faith to diminish and sway.  We too must trust that God is present, alive and well, even when we may not always see such presence. More than this, we must find faithful ways to be God's presence and light to one another and the world.... especially when it's really dark.


While I have no easy or certain answers for how best to do this, I have found that trustworthy friendships, staying connected to a faithful community of believers, "stepping out on the word of God" as Maya Angelou is fond of saying, in other words, taking your faith out for a spin by stepping out in faith and moving out of our comfort zone, and finding on going ways to deepen our friendship with God and one another can help us walk faithfully in the dark. Remember, the Magi didn't make their journey alone. They went together, they kept seeking and searching, they stepped out on faith, listening and looking for signs around them as well as within them. Sometimes, I think we forget one of the most important pieces of faithfulness... "listening to our own hearts" where Christ is ever seeking and striving to dwell. The Magi can help us see and remember all of this.... especially when it's really dark.


      Dr. John Rosen, a psychiatrist in New York City, has worked with catatonic schizophrenics. He shaped his practice by moving into the ward with his patients. He placed his bed among their beds. He lived the life they lived. If they didn't talk, he didn't talk. If they moved about, he moved about with them. And if they were comfortable with him doing so, he would also hug them. His being there, being with them, communicated something that they hadn't experienced. The first words they often spoke were, "Thank you."

Though a kind of "darkness" engulfed these fragile and tender human beings, Dr. Rosen offered what he could. I imagine there must have been days where he felt as if he was walking in the dark with no clear visible sign of light anywhere. And yet, he kept walking by showing up, offering his presence and love, and by trusting that the work was not his alone... by trusting that there was a greater Power at work in and around him. His gifts did not end schizophrenia but they did bring light and hope to a people living in darkness. His gifts were "Magi gifts": Following the Light In The Dark


This is what Christ did for us at Christmas. He moved into the ward with us. He placed his bed among our beds. He lives the life we live. He moves about where we move about. And all those who were there, those who saw him, touched him and were in turn touched by him.were changed. Whether they knew it or not they became like Magi: open and willing to following the Light and Love of God.... especially when it was really dark. The first words they must have surely prayed were.. "Thank You."

Christmas is our time to say "Thank you" too. More than this, Christmas is God's gift to us to help us become like Magi: followers of the Light and Love of God... especially when it's really dark. In a time when it seems as if the dark is surely winning, let us courageously live as Magi by traveling together, ever seeking and searching, stepping out in faith, listening and looking for signs around us and within, and by living as if we believe with our whole hearts the Light and Love of God is ever with us.... especially when it's really dark. May it be so.

Christmas Blessings,




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